Round-robin differential phase-shift quantum key distribution protocol
中文关键词:  量子密钥分发;循环差分相移量子密钥分发;诱骗态;安全性
英文关键词:quantum key distribution(QKD); round robin differential phase shift quantum key distribution(RRDPS QKD);decoy state; security
赵生妹 南京邮电大学 信号处理与传输研究院,江苏南京210003 
郑宝玉 南京邮电大学 信号处理与传输研究院,江苏南京210003 
毛钱萍 南京邮电大学 信号处理与传输研究院,江苏南京210003 
胡康 南京邮电大学 信号处理与传输研究院,江苏南京210003 
王乐 南京邮电大学 信号处理与传输研究院,江苏南京210003 
李威 南京邮电大学 信号处理与传输研究院,江苏南京210003 
马媛媛 国家电网全球能源互联网研究院,北京102209 
巩龙延 南京邮电大学 信息物理研究中心,江苏南京210003 
程维文 南京邮电大学 信号处理与传输研究院,江苏南京210003 
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全文下载次数: 998
      依据量子力学理论,量子密钥分发(Quantum Key Distribution,QKD)协议能够在合法用户间建立起绝对安全的密钥,并提供对窃听者的检测,它是近三十多年信息安全领域中迅速发展的一个重要研究方向。在常见的QKD协议中,安全密钥的产生需要监测窃听者产生的干扰,当量子比特错误率大于某个阈值时,合法用户将放弃该次密钥分发。2014年提出的循环差分相移量子密钥分发(Round Robin Differential Phase Shift Quantum Key Distribution,RRDPS QKD)协议,则无需监控窃听者的干扰,具有高噪声容忍度,成为QKD协议研究热点。文中从RRDPS QKD协议的原理、协议的改进、协议的实验进展等方面,较为全面地介绍RRDPS QKD协议,并介绍了我们团队在RRDPS QKD协议方面的工作。
      The quantum key distribution(QKD) has allowed the authorized users to share an absolute secret key,while providing the detection of eavesdropping.It is an important research area in information security during recent 30 years.In the conventional QKD protocol,the secure key is depend on the estimation of the interference caused by the eavesdropper's eavesdropping,that is,when the quantum bit error rate estimated from the interference is greater than the threshold,the authorized users discard the key generated from the QKD procedure.The round robin differential phase shift(RRDPS) QKD protocol proposed in 2014 could be guaranteed without monitoring the eavesdropper's disturbances.It becomes a hot topic due to its high tolerance for noises.The RRDPS QKD protocol is presented by its principle, modifications,and development protocol in the experiment.Finally,researches on RRDPS QKD protocol are introduced
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